Mien Fen Guo


Mien fen guo

Ingredient Quantity

All purpose flour 

(Blue Ferry, Bintang)

Water 140g
Salt 1 tsp
Anchovy stock 1-5 litres
Egg 2

Vegetables, mushroom, fried anchovies/ chicken/ pork for garnishing.



1/ Add water, salt, to eggs and beat gently.

2/ Pour the mixture into well of sifted flour.

3/ Mix and knead until dough is smooth and elastic.

4/ Cover dough with a wet cloth and leave at room temperature for ½ hour. Knead again and leave aside for another 1 or two hours.

5/ Boil stock and tear dough to small pieces, and place into boiling stock one at a time. Take out dough pieces when cooked. Add vegetables and mushroom to the stock and boil for a while.

6/ Pour the mixture of stock to the cooked dough pieces. Serve with other ingredients or garnish with fried anchovies, chicken or pork.



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